> I’ve seen some page layouts and templates use text that
> looks like Latin but it doesn’t make any sense.
> What is it?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. When working on the layout of a page it’s easy to get distracted by it’s content. Lorem Ipsum (also often referred to as “Lipsum”) is essentially a way to fill up a column, table or page during layout to see how it handles words and their realistic variations instead of just using “blah blah blah blah” or some other nonsense-but-legible phrases.

Here is a sample paragraph of Lorem Ipsum:

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris metus ligula, fringilla sit amet, elementum at, vulputate ut, odio. Donec leo. Suspendisse potenti. Duis odio nisl, nonummy sed, feugiat vel, commodo ut, metus. Donec tempus purus. Vivamus aliquam dictum magna. In sagittis, ipsum sed lobortis tristique, mi lectus rhoncus enim, eu aliquam lacus orci eget velit. Donec sem. Nunc posuere accumsan diam. Aliquam laoreet est. Nunc scelerisque, est vitae faucibus bibendum, libero odio vulputate felis, vitae dapibus mi nunc vitae metus. In et tellus a lorem ultrices cursus.”

Here’s a handy-dandy Lorem Ipsum Generator.