Chasing Bambu

The Bamboo Chronicles, as a book concept, started sometime in late April 1989 while I was in college. That’s when I was first introduced to the members of Verbal Threat, a local Hip-Hop group. It was nearing the end of the semester and I was just shy of my 21st...

Rambles on Relationships

Relationships are a lot like Poker — you’ll have to fold many hands before finding one worth playing, and even then there’s still a little gamble involved if you’re lucky enough to win. Nah, it’s not really that bleak. Seriously though,...

Highwire Act (from the “Midnight Sketches” collection)

“Highwire Act” Wide-eyed shadows tainted with bloodlust, whispered and watched us sail through the void; whimsical puppets in spotlights flying from strings above. Ringmasters and clowns watched from the ground amidst pissed bulls on parade as our ropes...